Wednesday 22 August 2007

Denece and I Have Been Visiting!

A fantastic day today. I visited Gayle at Lakes Entrance Neighbourhood House today, then met up with Denece at Buchan. I walked Gayle through the concept of our project - she hasn't been able to join us to date, but if the interest of her volunteers is anything to go by I think they'll soon be working their way through the 23 Things.
Darryl and Ev have been trying hard to get into the 23 Things - but have had a few technical difficulties. I think we sorted out some of them today - but guess what, we ran into another one. We came up against a problem regarding pop-ups when we were running the LiveClassroom Setup Wizard. Ev is going to see if their IT guru can sort it out.
I'm drowning in log-ins and passwords - so I'm trying to consolidate a few so I can use the same one. I must find out a bit more about OpenID - that might solve some of my problems.
Just going to try to add a photo from my Flickr account to this page.

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